Give Rewards To Crowd, Lure Them To Fund Your Project!


Give Rewards To Crowd, Lure Them To Fund Your Project!

Believe it or not, getting funds from the crowd is quite a tough task, especially for a small start-up. Sometimes you get an early response, and sometimes crowds give you the cold shoulder. Well, some rewards can help you to lure crowds. Let’s check out some of them:

Enhanced versions of the product – You can offer your crowd something special that others don’t have. For instance, you can make a product special for them by providing autographed, deluxe; the director’s cut and collector’s editions.

Merchandise and souvenirs – Sending the “making of” books can be a good idea along with autographed materials. You can also offer to crowd some stickers, posters, caps, t-shirts and other items that make you relate to the project.

Behind-the-scenes stuff – There can be photos, videos, booklets and other items that show to the crowd, your concept work and other elements featured within the project.

Opportunity to affect the project’s eventual outcome – This will make people believe as if it is their own project. Mostly projects related to book, music, film, TV, theater and video game allow backers to help them suggest how stories develop. They tell backers that they will be able to decide the fate of a finished package, and featured subjects or locations.

Make your backers a part of your product – Several creative projects allow backers to be a character within the narrative, soundtrack or action itself.

Giving contributors credit – Thanking your backers is a good idea, but it is always better to do so publicly. You can add a particular credit line to your product.

Exclusive access – It feels great to get the special treatment, isn’t it? Tell people that they have a chance to meet those who are part of the team that made the project actually possible. If it is a creative project than crowd can very much lure into meeting directors, musicians, artists and more such people.

Private parties, events, and occasions – Offering special events as a reward to donors can also do wonders to your crowdfunding campaign. You can invite them to exclusive launch parties, private events held in backers’ honor or concerts.

Shooting thank you emails – What can be better than acknowledging the worth of your backers by shooting some thank you emails. Well, it just makes them feel special. And, they will also know that the person whom they are supporting value their effort.

Well, the ideas can be many when it comes to creating unique, eye-catching and memorable rewards. You can think of something out of the box or whatever works for you. Just pick the rewards that suit your project best and lure crowds to invest in your project.

When the crowd walks with you, more than often you reach the distance. To a place where the opportunities are lurking for you for so long.

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